Latest 2022 CCC Exam 30 Important Question on LibreOffice CALC
by Mad_time · Published · Updated
Latest 2021 CCC Exam 30 Important Question on LibreOffice CALC
- What is the default name of Calc ?
Untitled 1
- What is the Last Column of Calc ?
AMJ ( Ctrl + Right Arrow Key to go in last column)
- What is the first Column of Calc ?
A ( Ctrl + Left Arrow Key to go in first column)
- What is the Last Row of Calc ?
1048576 ( Ctrl + Down Arrow Key to go in last Row)
- What is the name of first Row of Calc ?
1 ( Ctrl + Up Arrow Key to go in First Row)
- By default how many sheets in Calc ?
Ans. 1
- Maximum how many sheets you can create in Calc ?
Ans. 10,000
- In which side text align in cell ?
Left ( By default )
- In which side number align in cell ?
Right ( By default )
- What is the shortcut key to insert Time and Date Both in Cell ?
Ctrl + shift + Collen ( ; )
- What is the shortcut key to insert date ?
Ctrl + Collen ( ; )
- What is ### in Calc ?
That means cell width is not capable to show text or number, So increase the cell width to show text. Or number.
- What is the default extension of Calc ?
.ods ( Open Document Spreadsheet )
- What is the width and Height of A4 size paper ?
Width 8.3 inches and Height 11.7 inches
- Which shortcut key is used to edit cell content ?
Ans. F2
- What is the maximum Row Height of cell ?
- nches
- What is the default column width of cell ?
- nch
- What is the maximum column width of cell ?
39.37 inch
- what is the optimul column width ?
0.1 inch
- Minimum,how many row to select for autofill option in Calc ?
1 Row in Calc
Note : 2 Row in Ms Office Excel
- which shortcut key is used to copy upper cell data in down cell ?
First select down cell and Press CTRL + D
- How many freeze options in view menu, choose the correct option ?
a)Freeze Row and Columns
b)Freeze first Column
- c) Freeze first Row
d)All the Above
Anser :- d
- which menu have freeze option ?
View Menu
- What are inequality operators used in calc ?
<> ( its used to check value is equal or not)
- what are absolute and relative cell reference ?
जिस Formula Value के आगे $ का symbol लग जाता है उसे Absolute cell reference ( =sum ($A1:$A2 ) कहते हैं and जिस Formula Value के आगे $ का symbol नहीं होता है उसे Relative cell reference ( =sum (A1:A2 ) कहते हैं
- what is this means #NAME? ?
Its means formula is wrong
- what is this means #REF? ?
अगर आपने कही किसी function के अन्दर किसी cell address का इस्तेमाल किया है और गलती से वो cell address delete हो जाता है या फिर वो cell या column delete कर दिया जाता है और फार्मूला आपने कही और apply किया हुआ है तो उस केस मे क्या होता है की reference की एक error आती है वो यही error है |
- what is this means #VALUE! ?
मान लीजिए आपने एक sum function इस्तेमाल किया है उसके अन्दर कुछ numeric ओर कुछ text values दे दी तो उसमे value error आती है | It means parameters function value is not correct । जहा पर numeric value मांगे वहा पर numeric value ही देंगे और जहा पर text value मांगे वहा पर text value ही देंगे |नहीं तो इस तरह की error आएगी |
- what is this means #DIV0! ?
It means अगर आपने कही division मे 0( zero ) से कोई value divide की है तो इस तरह की error आएगी |
- which option is used to fixed text without increase cell width ?
Ans – Wrap text